It's safer in the light...

Capturing the very essence of day, the perfect concoction for exploring the dark... Bottles of Light. Once broken, it can illuminate your way forward. Don't cry, little one. They're just ghosts! Silly little ghosts, they're harmless... if you don't match their color. 


WASD to move!

Left Click to Throw the Potion!

Did you get stuck? Push 'R' to Reset!

Avoid the ghosts and make it to the end! Strategically light your way forward, but be careful! You only have a certain amount of potions to throw!

Some weird panels are on the ground that can change the color of light... or even the color of your clothes! Become a different color than a ghost to avoid possession!

Can you find your way to the end?

Don't Cry! It's Safer in the Light!

Link to the Game Design Document!


Produced by MusiCalyT 

Directed by vInvent 

Character Art by Warotar 

General Art by SorcerousOrigins 

Programmed by vInvent & Slopgobbler 

Designed by MusiCalyT 

Music and SFX by MusiCalyT

Additional Voices: Candle, Tuba, Spoobin, Slopgobbler, vInvent, MusiCalyT 

Many Thanks to PirateSoftware Thor and everyone in the discord! 

Most Importantly, thank YOU! For playing our game!

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